
Monday, August 30, 2010

Communities of lomography

Lomography is a new form of artistic, mixing vintage and analogue cameras to make snapshot. The film can enhance color of photo, photographer can also make special effect.
There are “10 Golden Rules” of lomography, nearly 1 million lomographers world wide. These rules are representing the spirit of lomography and the mindset of the creaters.
The “10 Golden Roles” can be seen from what YOKO already listed in the article “Be a lomographer without lomo cameras!

The Lomography Website is an amazing community that I suggest everyone who crazy about Lomography must see. It offers some wonderful features, such as free membership. With membership you get unlimited photo storage to record your life, and profile page to share your work and are granted the ability to comment, review and write content.What is more, you can keep up to date with the new type of artistic, entertainment on a load of networking sites such as Twitter.

Personally, already add Lomography on my facebook, it provide with the latest event of lomography, people can join in as a community, and there are many people comment on the status, coming up with their questions about lomography equipments, skills, tracks etc. And there will be professional lomographer to update the status, noticing friends what is new in lomography and share happy experiences. The most important thing is that people can make more friends who have the same hobby, it indeed a good way to enhance intercommunicate extent.

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