
Thursday, August 19, 2010

Featured lomography shops in Sydney

I personally think it is better to hold a real camera on hands for selecting rather than choose them online because physical contact could generally bring advanced reliability to customers and the lomography shop salesperson usually could give you several productive suggestions about your camera, especially for new users. The most important thing is you might find your “right camera” after you physically touched them. Therefore, in this week ‘I luv lomo’, we will introduce some featured lomography shops where located around us in Sydney. You will know where you can buy and what kind of lomography cameras you can buy in your nearest lomography shop.

1. Just Shoot Lomography Shop

Location: Belender Gallery, 16 Elizabeth Street, Paddington, Eastern Surburbs

Feature: It sales almost all kinds of lomography cameras and also provides exhibitions of local or international photograhers.

Openning hours:

Sunday and Monday : Closed

Tuesday to Friday : 11am-6pm

Saturday: 10am-6am

Contact detail: +61 293807080 Email: info@blender.

2. Blackbird Corner

Location: 70 Darby Street, Cooks Hill, Newcastle NSW 2300

Feature: It sales a range of lomography cameras and you will also find many locally designed & created clothing, accessories inside the shop.
openning hours:

Monday : Closed

Tuesday to Friday : 11am-6pm

Saturday to Sunday : 10am-6am

Contact detail: 0249294305 Email:

3. Incu

Location: Galeries Victoria, Shop Rg 19-20, 500 George St, City, NSW 2000

Feature: It sales a few selected lomography cameras and mainly focus on Diana F+, Fisheye and Holga.

Openning hours:

Monday to Sunday: 11am-6pm.

Contact detail: 0292837622

4. Museum of contempopary art store (MCA)

Location: Circular Quay Foyer Level 1 Museum of Contemporary Art West Circular Quay, The Rocks

Feature: It sales a limited range of lomography camera but it gets some limited edition ones as well, and also provides diverse art exhibitions (includes famous photographers) for mostly free.

openning hours:

Monday To Sunday: 10am-5pm

Contact detail: (+612) 9245 2458

5. High Exposure Camera Imaging

Location: Shop 15, 355 Barrenjoey Road, Newport NSW 2106

Feature: It is a very professional photography shop located in Sydney's Northern Beaches. It stock a full range of lomography camera and relevant accessories and also provides print and develop service of lomography 120mm and 35mm films.

openning hours:

Tuesday 9:30am-4.30pm
Thursday 9:30am-4:30pm

Contact detail: 0299996979 Email:


  1. Hi there, do you know if any of these are still around, and if they would sell the lomo instant cameras from the brand lomography.
