Location: Belender Gallery, 16 Elizabeth Street, Paddington, Eastern Surburbs
Feature: It sales almost all kinds of lomography cameras and also provides exhibitions of local or international photograhers.
Openning hours:
Sunday and Monday : Closed
Tuesday to Friday : 11am-6pm
Saturday: 10am-6am
Contact detail: +61 293807080 Email: info@blender. com.auLocation: 70 Darby Street, Cooks Hill, Newcastle NSW 2300
Feature: It sales a range of lomography cameras and you will also find many locally designed & created clothing, accessories inside the shop.
openning hours:
Monday : Closed
Tuesday to Friday : 11am-6pm
Saturday to Sunday : 10am-6am
Contact detail: 0249294305 Email: blackbirdcorner@yahoo.com.au3. Incu
Location: Galeries Victoria, Shop Rg 19-20, 500 George St, City, NSW 2000
Feature: It sales a few selected lomography cameras and mainly focus on Diana F+, Fisheye and Holga.
Openning hours:
Monday to Sunday: 11am-6pm.
Contact detail: 0292837622
4. Museum of contempopary art store (MCA)
Location: Circular Quay Foyer Level 1 Museum of Contemporary Art West Circular Quay, The Rocks
Feature: It sales a limited range of lomography camera but it gets some limited edition ones as well, and also provides diverse art exhibitions (includes famous photographers) for mostly free.
openning hours:
Monday To Sunday: 10am-5pm
5. High Exposure Camera Imaging
Location: Shop 15, 355 Barrenjoey Road, Newport NSW 2106
Feature: It is a very professional photography shop located in Sydney's Northern Beaches. It stock a full range of lomography camera and relevant accessories and also provides print and develop service of lomography 120mm and 35mm films.
openning hours:
Tuesday 9:30am-4.30pm
Thursday 9:30am-4:30pm
Contact detail: 0299996979 Email: info@highexposure.com.au
Hi there, do you know if any of these are still around, and if they would sell the lomo instant cameras from the brand lomography.